How to choose a suitable bed for sleep and rest

Sleep is a necessary component of human life. In a dream, people spend at least a third of all the allotted time, so it is important to conduct it with qualitatively and in the most comfortable and convenient conditions. Direct part in this is taken by a bed of wood, metal or other materials, and mattress. Not only rest will depend on the right choice, but also the correct formation of the back and the spine.

What should you pay attention to

For a full recovery when choosing a bed, you need to consider the following:

Size and shape of the berth. First of all, one must focus on the personal growth and growth of a person who will be near. There should always be a supply of about 10 cm – this is a minimum. The width is determined, sitting on the bed on the back and putting hands behind the head, straighten the elbows. If half is enough, then the bed is suitable. Regarding the shape – it is better to stop the choice on the standard version with a rectangle. However, if the apartment is made in modern repairs and I want something special, then it is worth considering round models, oval or other format, but it will be necessary to sew bedding specially to order;

The frame of the bed. Here the choice consists of two structures: two supporting backs with side panels or 4 backs and panels, and the role of the support is played by the legs or the podium. Typically, the second option is considered less durable, but if the assembly is made efficiently, then the choice becomes equivalent. As for the material, the most durable is an array of wood or metal. Cheap options are represented by MDF or FEP;

base. It consists of a frame and flexible lamellas, and the more the last elements, the stronger the bed will be. For the standard lamella’s single -rush, there should be at least 15 pieces. There are models with springs or bars, but they are inferior in orthopedic properties;

mattress. The opinion of experts here diverge. Tough and soft mattresses, combined spring or multi -layer and without springs are taken into account. Therefore, here it is worth relying on personal sensations. During a visit to the store, just lie on the mattress and figure out your feelings.

Also, during the purchase, the height of the bed can play if it is purchased for an elderly person. In any case, relying on the above advice, you can choose the most profitable and high -quality option.