How to choose a printing printer?

Any store or warehouse is interested in competent accounting of products that are stored on its shelves. And in order for the product to be easily and quickly identified, as well as get all the necessary information about it, it is marked. That is why it is very important to choose the right printer for printing labels, given the specifics of the activity of your enterprise.

What should you pay attention to?

Today, label printing printers are widely used to automate accounting and control in warehouses, as well as in wholesale and retail stores. With the help of such printers, you can print not only labels, but also price tags, receipts, barcodes, labels. Therefore, when choosing them, the following points must be taken into account:

where exactly the printer will be used;

how many labels will be printed per day;

What should be the print speed and what volumes the device will be calculated;

on what material the labels will be printed and what width they will be;

What dimensions should the device have.

In a word, there are many parameters that must be taken into account when choosing such printers. But first of all, they pay attention to those tasks that must solve these devices, and to the speed of their printing:

in table models, the print speed is not more than 50-100 mm/s, so such printers can be used to label products in retail trade and in office conditions;

Mobile printers are characterized by the same print speed as desktop, but at the same time differ in small dimensions, low weight and have autonomous nutrition;

The print speed of semi -industrial models is 100-150 mm/s, therefore they belong to the middle class;

Industrial models are widely used in large retail chains and in warehouses, since they are highly performance, and they can print at a speed of up to 300 mm/s.

Also, in the process of choosing, attention is paid to the printing method, because for printing on thermal cardon or thermalmp, printers with direct thermal bag. If the labels are printed on paper, cardboard, polyester or even plastic, then in this case you need to give preference to thermal systems. And the product codes, which is also indispensable in the automation of the activities of many trade and warehouse enterprises, can quickly consider the labeling of products and recognize it.