Construction of your own home

Almost any person dreams of his own house, built according to the required parameters and taking into account the wishes of each of the households – a personal plot and outbuildings, an excellent view of a window, ennobled and fertile land. But not everyone can afford to pay a decent amount for ready -made cottage buildings in elite suburbs, away from the city’s bustle and the gasket of large megacities. For most residents, it is much easier to build a house on their own.

The construction of your own home takes a lot of effort and money. But the cost of rental housing in Belarus, ultimately, turns out to be much higher than the amount that was originally planned for construction. The invitation of employees to build a house will reduce the construction time of the building, but so – it is quite problematic regarding the expenses of their own monetary resources. Of course, this guarantees a faster construction of structures according to the proposed schemes and drawings, but requires tight control over the work of the construction team and the consumption of all purchased materials.

Building a house on their own may require special attentiveness and some skill. You should carefully relate to the compilation of initial estimates and drawings of the house, given all the territorial parameters of the construction site. Such a big responsibility is not for everyone, therefore it is easier to order a design estimate from specialists who can take into account all the necessary nuances. Only after the initial estimated calculations are compiled, you can proceed to the purchase of the required materials.

First of all, you need to prepare a plot for construction work, drainage and laying of the foundation. At the same time, special attention should be taken to conduct communications – sewage, water supply and electrical wiring. Only after that it is worth starting to build a box, walls and facade work. Installation of the roof, installation of door and window boxes complete the first of all construction, which is recommended to be completed before the first cold days. This is followed by internal finishing work and the desired improvement of the entire built house. Resiluration of the site and building additional outbuildings depend only on the wishes and capabilities of each person.