Ways of wall plaster

Everyone who buys a new apartment or builds a house faces the problem of plastering walls. In fact, there are no problems if you know what and how to plaster, and what methods of wall plaster exist. What is the plaster for? The plaster is designed to align the walls, it closes the meterial from which the walls are built. If the walls are made of brick or foam block, then it will be impossible to glue the wallpaper to them until you are plastered. And just painting such walls indoors, they will not look very. The plaster levels the walls and gives the basis for further wall decoration.

Today there are various ways of wall plaster. Plastering work according to the method of their implementation can be divided into wet and dry.

For a wet type of plaster, you must first prepare a solution, which is subsequently using special tools to apply to the wall surface. The construction solution is made on the basis of: cement, alabaster, gypsum, lime and other additives. At the end of the work, the room must be well dried, since increased humidity will interfere with further finishes. As a result, you will get a strong, quite smooth, without construction seams, the surface.

Dry plaster is made by drywall sheets, which are attached to the wall using metal profiles or special glue for drywall. The seams between the sheets must be covered with a special putty and glued with a sickle so that there are no cracks in the joints. The terms of work with this method are significantly reduced, and there is no humidity either, you will not have to waste time on drying.

More construction plastering mixtures are divided by type of basic substance.

Thus, there are polymer cement, acrylic, lime and silicone mixtures for a wet type of plaster.

Also, according to its purpose, all types of plaster can be divided into two groups.

The first group is the usual plaster, as a preparatory stage before the final types of decoration, such as painting, wallpapering and so on.

The second group is a decorative plaster. At its core, this is the final type of decoration of the room. Decorative plaster has a huge number of varieties, and can imitate any valuable rocks of the stone, can have any texture and color.

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