Parquet board and coating

Parquet board rightfully belongs to the palm of the championship among all types of flooring. Being warm, durable and durable, it, moreover, is also very solid and prestigious. Finally, the parquet board is just beautiful.

Each owner of the house dreams that the floors in the room are a strong and firm base – this is what provides a person with a floor covering with a parquet board.

Unlike traditional parquet, which is afraid of moisture and further consequences, the new three -layer board is much more resistant to different external influences, namely, to temperature changes and increased humidity.

The main reason for this is the location of the fibers that make up the layers of the tree. In the parquet board, the fibers are located in perpendicular directions in relation to each other, so it turns out that the board independently keeps itself from any deformation.

Positive properties

In addition to the foregoing, another positive point in the parquet board is that now its lower layer can be made of cheap coniferous wood of wood, in turn, solid deciduous or other most expensive breeds of exotic plants are now used only in the “working” outer layer.

It is worth noting that it does not require an increased lean attitude, which is not characteristic of parquet. The reason for this is considered several layers from which this type of board is made, thereby providing the material with strength and reliability.

The gender that is made of it, and besides laid correctly, will look advantageous in any design design of the apartment.

The materials for styling are selected in accordance with the structure or skirting board in tone, the use of tinted mastic, they will only complement the beautiful picture of the floor from a massive board.

Similar materials:

The tree has one of the “interesting properties”, namely, over time, it lends itself to drying and parquet, which is made of it, also suffers from Usushka.

When caring for parquet, they use different materials – in particular, parquet varnishes and oils, although there are also special products that impede the wear of the coating, provide

Parquet in the interior is one of the most environmentally friendly and beautiful flooring.

Long -term operation of plank floors combined with improper care of them leads to wear of the boards.