Need a roof? Popular about the construction and repair of roofs

In the process of construction and repair work, a special place is occupied by the construction of the roof of the houses. Roof design design is a crucial stage, since the roof in any house is one of the key elements, on the quality of which the state of the entire structure depends.

The construction of a roof from scratch requires a thorough approach, especially at the stage of choosing roofing materials and implementation using a particular technology. The main constructive part of the roof can be called a frame from the rafter system, crate and racks. High -quality, durable, resistant to the external environment of the roof frame will be reliable protection of the entire building.

Modern methods include the construction of roof installation based on a metal frame from the LSTK profile. This profile has become widely in demand in all construction areas, not only the roof is mounted from it, full -fledged houses and any other buildings of any type and purpose are erected from LSTK, ranging from the simplest outbuildings and ending with large -scale projects for the construction of cottage villages of an economy class.

Like any other frame construction, LSTK metal -proofing roofing is favorably different from the traditional methods of old -sample based on wooden structures. The key advantage that gives the roof from LSTK – the nodes for assembling the frame can be purchased already ready -made form. LSTK roof overhangs, elements of the rafter system and other parts of LSTK manufacturers offer in the assortment to implement any projects. It will only be necessary to coordinate the dimensions of the building for the selection of a metal profile for assembling a general frame.

Thanks to ready -made constructive solutions, the process of repairing or building a roof takes much less time, saves finances and other valuable resources. At the same time, the quality of the roof in terms of its characteristics complies with all construction standards. To assemble the design of the roof from LSTK, special equipment, lifts and other equipment are not needed. The roof of LSTK is collected using a screwdriver, you will not need a arsenal of construction tools.

Due to the simplicity of installation work and the easy weight of metal profile products, you can significantly reduce the amount in the process of repairing employed workers. Therefore, the construction of frame houses and roofs from LSTK profile is gaining popularity among private developers and commercial organizations.