Hot and Cold Water Supply

We All Want Our House to have Access to Cold and Hot Water. Not many people know that before getting to the tap water, a long difficult patch goals. And in General, in Onter to Lay Hot and Cold Water SupPly, it is Necessary to Make a Lot of Effort. Today, Such Systems Arend Not only in Apartment Buildings, But Also in Private Cottages. However. Tostall Such a System at Home, It is Necessary to Carefully Design All Systems and Auxiliary etipment for them.

It is noting that of the design of Hot and Cold Water Supply Systems Far Far From EVERYTHINGE in the Process of Water Supply. IS ALSO Necessary to Carefully Design Water Treatment and Water Treatment Systems. Hot Water Supply Systems Can Be Centralized and Local. With A Centralized Water Supply System, Water Treatment Occurs in A Single Center, From Where the Pipes Are Supplied to Different Places.

With Local Water Supply, Water Preparation Is Carried Out in the Immediate Vicinity of the House. As a Rule, Water Preparation, That is, Its Heating During Centralized Water Supply Is Carried Out in Special Weldeed Tanks Or Coils. In Local Systems, You Can Get by with A Water Heater.

Basically, The Design of Water Supply Systems IS Carried Out in Conjunction with the Heating System and Sewage, SincE All these Systems are Interconnected and Cannot Exist Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Separat Sepaist Sepaist Sepaist Sepaist Sepaist Separat Sepaist Separat Sepaisist Separatesist Separatesist. As a Rule, The Project Contains A List of All Equipment Necessary for Both Heating and Water Supply and Sewage.

The Next STEP IS to DRAW UP DRAWINGS WITH THE PLACement of All Pipes. In Addition, Equipment for Water Treatment and Water Treatment is Also Indicated. Offten, A Separate Project is Even Compiled for ThueSe Systems. In Addition, IS ALSO VERY Important to Indicate the Placesment of Tanks, Filters, Boilers and Other Additional Containers, Devices and Equipment. Well, The Last STEP IS The Exact of the Places of PLACESMENT OF PIPES, The METHODS of Attaching Them To the Cranes. AFTER AGREEING On the Project and Conduction A State Examination, You Can Proced to the Purchase of Equipment and the Necessary Materials and Directly to the Installation. As a Rule, the Materials from Which The System Will Be Mounted Areviusly Indicated in the Project. The Choice is Made Depending on the Premises, As Well as Surrounding Conditions and Safety Precautions.