Ideal Thermal Insulation

Among the Entire Mass of Heat -insulating Materials, Stone Cotton Wools Especially Distinguished, Which Has Area of Application in the Field of Construction Industration Industration Industration.

Stone Cotton Wool, is it Not a Strange Name, But it Appedared at All by Chance.

Stone Cotton Woolol, Appeared after the Erupation of Volcanoes, From Molten Rocks (Hence the Name Stone). IT Was Such a Natural Origin that was in the first stone cotton wool. . The Process of Stretching the Fiber, In Its Appearant, Is Very Reminisement of the Production Process, Beliveded by Children, Sweet Cotton Woolol. Vata Fibers are Formed in Bundles, Soked in Oil, Rolled Through Special Rollers, Pressed (Like Felted Wool), BakeD in the Furnace and Formed. Stone Cotton Wool is Consedered a Very Good Insulation Material that Also Has Sound -Absorbing Properties.

Consider The Properties of this Material:

One. Great Heat -insulating Properties It Possible to Maintain A Comfortable Climate in the Room (It is Cool in the Summer, and Warmly in the Cold)

2. Stone Cotton Wool According to Its Refractory Properties Is Ranked to the Class of Non -comble Materials

3. Resistant to Mechanical Influences (Stretching and Compression)

Four. Able to Absorb and Extinguish Vibration

5. ALSO HAS Water -urepellent Properties

6. It is Airy, Which Allows You to Create a Good Microclimate in Any Room.

7. Frost Resistance

Eight. Resistance to Chemical Exposure, Not the Possibility of Decay and the Appension of Fungus.

9. Safety from a Biological Point of View.

Ten. A different range of insulation Material with the Necessary, Reinforced Characteristics, Which Allows You to Use Stone Cotton Wool for Both Both Internal and External Work.

Based on this, we can sensed Stone Cotton Wool is not only a good heat -insulating Material, BUT Can Also Serve AS Waterproofing and Sound InSulation. That’s Who The Area of Use of this Insulation Is So Wide, Which Has Important Additional Properties.

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